Monday, June 1, 2015

June 1 2015
It rained overnight.
All who are thirsty ,come to the water....  Isaiah 55;1-2
We started our classwork this morning reading the passage abour the fishes and loaves,reflecting on how this plays into the thirst scripture and how it is relevant to our missionthis week. We talked about what a great picnic the folks would tell their friends . What great PR this was for Jesus! The food(fishes) is Gods grace and we can buy it with nothing.
Loaded up, we head out in the rain for ourfirst work day at losTambos-the big kids from Knoxville were so excited to see the faces of the little kids ! The little kids were plenty excited to see us too! Projects today involved building two walls, rewired some rooms for solar power to power up teacher computers, and 2 vans delivered rice,beans and household goods to several families. The roads were wet(gumbo like) and travel was slow and deliberate, It was heart warming to see our old friends,get hugs and visit in their homes. At one home ,we held a baby parrot,  and another had a boxful of baby parrots. We prayed with the families and visited a bit. There was a variety of animals sharing their lives-puppies,calves, huge variety of chickens,a scarlet McCaw.
We had a most successful VBShere ever- the secret must be to keep it simple. Moses ,Pharoah, the Red Sea all made an appearance. We sang, crafted, snacked,and loved!  Stay tuned til tomorrow for the next segment of VBS.
The village has a few new residents, some ne buildings, and the new toilet facility at the school -a big improvement-thanks from ME for all that participated!
Of course after all this work was complete, we stopped aat the newly expanded Western Dairy for a dairy treat!
Its after dinner time for readying for tomorrow. We are tired ,yet satisfied.
Tomorrow is gift bag day, I can hardly sleep.......


1 comment:

  1. Yay! K.I.S.S. strikes again. Good work. Praying for God's work and for the entire team.
