Wednesday, June 6, 2012

God Grants Peace in the Midst of Frenzied Activity

The focus of Tuesday’s “Before Glow” was peace with a scripture reading from Isaiah 43:1-7.  Lyn emphasized how we are God’s children created for God’s glory.  We discussed fear and the source of fear.  Lyn talked about God working to make us more like him.  We also talked about the pastor’s words on Sunday that we should remember what God has done in our lives as a way to help us get through troubled times.  Lyn urged us to find peace by going to Christ, the one who is peace.  She also read a prayer from Mother Teresa asking God to make us an instrument of His peace.

After a tasty egg wrap and fruit for breakfast, we headed to Los Tambos.  We never get tired of being swarmed by the children!  They were waiting for us when we got there.  Dave, Johnny, and Joe worked hard with the students in 97 degree heat to finish the footer for the pilapa house wall and get the concrete poured. 

The rest of us visited families, conducted family interviews, and distributed gift bags.  The children were thrilled with the simplest and smallest gifts.  They totally enjoyed reading letters from donors and seeing their photographs. 

We have slowed the pace of the family visits to focus on getting to know people of the village better.  The team has been very blessed by these most enjoyable visits.  We are forming even deeper bonds with people of the village.
Mrs. Gonzalez shows team members a beadspread she made

Some members of the team were treated to a hike to a pond constructed for rearing tilapia. Along the way they saw a jaguar track, which raised adrenaline since we had heard reports of a jaguar being killed in the village.

Our friends in the village have made very positive comments about our visits.  We have been told, “The character of the people who come makes us happy.  You give us something very special.  You remember everyone.  Our children get very excited every time you come.”  Another resident said, “We see God in everything you say and do.”  Yet another said, “You have made a huge improvement in the self esteem of the children.  They look forward to the little gifts.  They are more interested in education.  There have been huge improvements in education as a result of your efforts.”  It is interesting because the feelings they express about us are the same feelings we have for them.  They bring us great joy.  They make us feel very welcome in their village and their homes.  It brings us great joy to hear that our focus on education is making a difference in people’s lives.

We are encountering more health issues than in the past.  There are several cases of gall stones, kidney stones, and diabetes.  With the expertise of, Sue, the nurse on our team, we are trying to get a better handle on medical needs and help as we can to address some of those needs.

Joe and Tom have been meeting with the Chairman of the Water Board, government officials and other interested people about improving the water system.  We are working together to look at short term improvements as well as longer term enhancements like a well.

In “After Glow” we reflected on how we have found peace on this trip.  The scenic views from some of the homes were mentioned as peaceful.  Visits from very welcoming families were also mentioned.  We all experienced peace last night in the soothing, peaceful effect the sunset had on Whitney, Natalie, Lyn, Jacque, and Darby last night as they remembered Josh and Darrell.
Peaceful Sunset At In His Will

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