Monday, May 30, 2016

Gods love at 100 degrees

Today started as a warm Belizeian morning filled with pancakes, eggs, and laughter. We enjoyed our first worship together as a team led by Lyn around the breakfast table as we reflected on the scripture John 13:1-15. If you aren't familiar with this scripture, it is the story of Jesus washing Peter's feet before the festival of Passover. We primarily focused on our worth relating to God's love in this scripture reading, and the realization of that worth in service to others. After discussion, it was a unanimous decision that our worth was found in service to Los Tambos. Our worth is felt every time those tiny arms wrap around us or when those smiles break out ear to ear watching the van roll up. Today was definitely a day where our worth to God was felt. We started our day at Los Tambos hearing the children at their assembly where they sang the national anthem, prayed, and recited their pledge of allegiance. Afterwards, the team split into several groups, each group assigned to painting the classrooms, home visits delivering rice and beans, and/ or making playground repairs. Our morning passed by so quickly as the a day got hotter and hotter. During lunchtime, several team members ate lunch with several of the high school graduates to catch up, reminisce about their high school days, and talk about opportunities they might have for furthering their education. It was full of amazing God moments as we listened to our sweet friends discuss the success their high school diplomas had allowed, and several even offered ideas regarding improving the education program. During the afternoon, our various groups continued to work in the hot sun. When the final bell rang it was officially the best time of the day.... VBS TIME!!! The kids swarmed the hut ready to sing our famous songs, including but not limited to "Father Abraham" and "This Little Light of Mine". After we read the lesson about Moses and the burning bush, we helped the children assemble beautiful bracelets for a craft. As we packed up to head back to the mission house, we received word of a fire spreading toward the mission house. As I referenced the hot sun earlier, allow me to highlight just how very HOT and dry today was, as it caused many fires to surround us. The In His Will Staff was luckily able to contain the fires. We continue to pray that the fire will die down during the night and that our sweet friends will stay safe. We have ended the day exhausted, but with full and happy hearts. We look forward to another day tomorrow, loving, laughing, serving, feeling His love and our own worth together.