Just a couple of weeks ago we only had enough money to provide beans and rice to about 15 families. Now we have enough money to provide beans and rice to ALL families. Thank you.
The total money contributed for the various aspects of our ministry is almost exactly the same as the amount contributed last year. We praise God that He continues to provide for the Belize ministry through active involvement of our congregation. Thank you.
Many members and friends have helped meet our goal of providing gift bags and uniforms to ALL of the 105 students at Los Tambos School. As Messie Bessie (aka Mary Beth) says, this ministry sends Jesus in a ziploc baggie and shows the children they are loved. It helps those of you who cannot go to Belize be a very special part of this ministry. Thank you
The Flannel Floosies have done a beautiful and highly professional job custom designing 100 dresses and 100 pairs of shorts. They also are providing t-shirts and underwear. The whole village will be glowing with smiles when these items are distributed. Their smiles will be brighter and whiter thanks to hundreds do toothbrushes and toothpaste donated by Stan Pozega. Thank you.
Thanks to Mission Possible Kids and Youth Missions, we are providing essential school supplies for each classroom, teacher appreciation gifts, and garden seeds for the families. It is hard to put a value on the classroom benefit, impact on teacher morale, and the hunger alleviated from these donations, but we know they make a huge difference. Most teachers could not afford to purchase these items themselves. Thank you.
We have enough money to provide approximately 20 bikes which help improve school attendance, provide safe travel, and let the children enjoy being kids. Thank you.
We have enough money to provide high school scholarships to ALL interested students (approx 12-15 students will have scholarships next year). We praise God that ALL 4 students who are seniors this year will be graduating! We greatly appreciate the many new and continuing individual donors who contribute to scholarships. We are grateful that the Good News Sunday School Class faithfully continues to provide a full scholarship as a class project (they raised enough money to also provide a bike). We are also humbled by the gracious efforts of Bob and Carol Davis, who hosted a Fellowship Meal at their home. This one event provided enough money to cover expenses for the first year of high school for a very deserving Los Tambos graduate. It also was a lot of fun and gave a great opportunity for fellowship with our church family. Thank you.
Our VBS curriculum was purchased with donated funds from Living Waters for the World and is specially designed for Hispanic countries. It includes low cost craft ideas which we are supplementing with surplus craft supplies from our past VBS. Thank you.
We are grateful to Beth Humphrey and Sue Wheeler for donating many, many cloth bags for distribution to the families. It is amazing how a simple bag brings so much joy because it can be used for so many purposes. Thank you.
We will be working on a community-driven project to provide new bathrooms at the school. We are excited that the Village Chairman has received donations from the nearby Mennonite community to pay for most of the expenses for the project. He has broken ground on the project and is very grateful that you are sending us to help with the construction. Thank you.
We will also use donated funds to build additional benches for IHW like the one near the bulletin boards that Jim Burbank built in 2004 when serving on our first team. More benches are needed for a recent addition at the Learning Center. Thank you.
Thanks for all you do for Belize and other missions of our church. Please pray for our team -- that we will succeed in giving hope to Los Tambos by bringing Jesus to them and that we will grow as disciples. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!
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