The Lima Family
Saturday June 2, 2012
- US Air 2302L – 5:30am Flight from Knoxville to Charlotte
Flight US Air 1141L Departs Charlotte at
9:55am; arrives in Belize City 11:25am. Arrive in Unitedville at In His Will (IHW),
getting organized and spending time at the Learning Center with the children. After
Glow in the evening.
Sunday - Church with Carmen and Faye.Then pack and be ready for
Family picture day in Los Tambos. Reuniting with all our friends. Back to IHW
for dinner and After Glow and preparation for tomorrow.
Monday - Leave early for LosTambos. We will be giving the
bicycles to the children. This will be a day of visiting families, work
projects and working in the class rooms. After school we will have VBS, then
its back to IHW for dinner and After Glow
Tuesday - Leave early for LosTambos. We will distribute the gift
bags and the uniforms to the children. Then visit families, work on projects
and work in the class rooms. After school we will have our second day of VBS,
then it's back to IHW for dinner and After Glow.
Wednesday - Our time will be spent in Unitedville helping Carmen
and Faye with their work projects, including painting the preschool at the Learning Center. We will have a Ladies prayer group, Kid's
Club and spend time at the Learning Center for Library. Dinner then on to Ron's
Praise and Worship.
Thursday - Leave early for LosTambos. This will be a day of visiting
families, work projects and working in the classrooms. The Community party will
be after school. Then we will have a graduation celebration honoring Maria, Marvin and Reynaldo, the first high school graduates sponsored by our FCPC members and their friends and families. We will have dinner and then After Glow.
Friday - Relax, regroup plan for Saturday and the graduation
Saturday - Projects around IHW; preparation for going home.
Attend graduation ceremony for Marvin, Reynaldo, and other Sacred Heart High School graduates.
Sunday June 10, 2012
Flight out of Belize City – USAir – 1142L to
Charlotte – 1:00pm
USAir flight 2347 from Charlotte to
Knoxville arriving 9:42pm